MBBS Medical Admission Result 2025 PDF – dgme.gov.bd result

The MBBS Admission Results for 2025 have been announced by the authority in https://result.dghs.gov.bd/mbbs/ and http://dgme.teletalk.com.bd./ Also you can get MBBS Medical Admission Result 2025 – dgme.gov.bd all about Information from Admission Tell –www.admissintele.com Website

The Directorate General of Medical EMBBS Medicalcation (DGME) has officially published the results for the academic session 2024-2025. The results, including both merit and waiting lists, were released on January 19, 2025.

This year, there are 11,673 seats available for MBBS courses across 47 public and 67 private medical colleges in the country. Of these, 5,380 seats are allocated to public medical colleges, while 6,293 are available in private institutions. A total of 135,665 candidates appeared for the admission test, and 48,975 students successfully passed the examination.

To check your results, visit the official result-checking websites: result.dghs.gov.bd and dgme.teletalk.com.bd. This article will guide you on when and how to access your admission results and highlight their significance for aspiring medical students.

  • Result Date: January 19, 2025.
  • Seats: Total: 11,673.
    • Public: 5,380 across 47 colleges.
    • Private: 6,293 across 67 colleges.
  • Test Stats:
    • Total candidates: 135,665.
    • Passed: 48,975.
  • How to Check: Visit the official websites and follow the instructions.
  • Websites: result.dghs.gov.bd, dgme.teletalk.com.bd, dgme.gov.bd, admissiontell.com.

MBBS Admission Result 2025-http://dgme.teletalk.com.bd./

The much-awaited medical admission results for 2025 have been announced. Both the merit and waiting lists will be published by January 19, 2025. This year’s MBBS admission test was held in an MCQ format, covering key subjects: Biology (30 marks), Chemistry (25 marks), Physics (20 marks), English (15 marks), and General Knowledge (10 marks).

To qualify as a successful candidate, you must score at least 40% of the total marks in the admission test. Each correct answer earns 1 mark, while 0.25 marks are de MBBS Medicalcted for every incorrect answer. For second-time examinees, 7.50 marks will be de MBBS Medicalcted from their total obtained marks.

The results will be available on two official websites: result.dghs.gov.bd/mbbs and dgme.teletalk.com.bd/mbbs. Be sure to check these sites to see your position on the merit or waiting list. Candidates on the merit list will receive notifications about final admission and submission proceMBBS Medicalres. If any seats remain vacant after the merit list admissions, students from the waiting list will be invited to fill those spots.

Category Details
Result Announcement January 19, 2025
Exam Format MCQ
Subjects and Marks – Biology: 30 marks
– Chemistry: 25 marks
– Physics: 20 marks
– English: 15 marks
– General Knowledge: 10 marks
Passing Criteria – Minimum 40% of total marks required to qualify
– 1 mark for each correct answer
– 0.25 marks deMBBS Medicalcted for each wrong answer
Second-Time Examinees 7.50 marks deMBBS Medicalcted from total score
Official Websites – result.dghs.gov.bd/mbbs
– dgme.teletalk.com.bd/mbbs
Merit and Waiting List Published on January 19, 2025
Final Admission – Merit list candidates will receive notifications
– Remaining seats filled from waiting list if necessary

How to Check Medical Result-https://result.dghs.gov.bd/mbbs/

After the MBBS admission test, the Directorate General of Medical EMBBS Medicalcation (DGME) will announce the merit and waiting lists by January 19, 2025. If you are on the merit list, you will receive a notice about the final admission process. If any seats remain vacant after merit list admissions, students from the waiting list will be invited to fill those spots.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to check your medical admission result online: IUB Degree Verification.

Here’s how to check your medical admission result online:

  1. Visit the official websites: result.dghs.gov.bd/mbbs or dgme.teletalk.com.bd/mbbs.
  2. Enter your roll number in the designated field on the website.
  3. Submit the required information, and your result will appear on the screen.

dghs.gov.bd MBBS Medical Admission Result

As mentioned earlier, the official website is admission.eis.MBBS Medical.ac.bd. Every candidate must download the MBBS Medical Admit Card from this portal. Simply log in using your SSC and HSC roll numbers. Below are the steps to download the admit card.

Now check the steps to download your MBBS Medical Admit Card:

  1. Go to the website: admission.eis.MBBS Medical.ac.bd. This is the official MBBS Medical Admission Result admission portal where you can find your admit card.
  2. Click on the ‘Login’ option.
  3. When the login page appears, enter your SSC Roll, HSC Roll, HSC Passing Year, and Board name.
  4. After logging in, you will see an option labeled ‘Admit Card’. Click on it.
  5. The MBBS Medical Admit Card will appear as a PDF. Download it.

Note: The admit card option will not be available until it’s released. Once you have the admit card PDF, be sure to print a copy. It’s recommended to print multiple copies for safety.

MBBS Result 2025-dghs.gov.bd

The MBBS Result 2025 has been released for the 2024-2025 academic year for both government and private medical colleges in Bangladesh. You can find the MBBS Admission Result 2025 on the website result.dghs.gov.bd. Students and guardians can check the detailed results using the admission test roll number. Additionally, the merit and waiting lists can be downloaded in PDF format from the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) website. All successful candidates will also be notified of the results via SMS.

[iframe src=”https://result.dghs.gov.bd/mbbs/” width=”100%” height=”300″]

MBBS Admission Result 2025 Date

The MBBS Admission Result 2025 will be published on January 19, 2025, and students can access the results online and via SMS starting at 2:00 PM. The official announcement will take place at a press conference held by the Directorate General of Health EMBBS Medicalcation (DGHE), where detailed information about the results will be provided.

The MBBS admission test for government and private medical colleges for the 2024-2025 academic year was conMBBS Medicalcted on January 17, 2025. A total of 135,665 students participated in the test this year.

There are 5,380 seats available for MBBS admission, including reserved quota seats, in government medical colleges. Additionally, 6,293 seats are available in 67 private medical colleges across the country.

  • Result Date: January 19, 2025, at 2:00 PM (online and SMS).
  • Official Announcement: DGHE press conference with detailed information.
  • Admission Test Date: January 17, 2025.
  • Participants: 135,665 students.
  • Seats Available:
  • Government: 5,380 (including quotas).
  • Private: 6,293 across 67 colleges.

MBBS Medical Admission Result 2025 Download PDF

There are many people who are searching for MBBS Medical Admit Card Download PDF File for their needs. In this part we have discussed how to get MBBS Medical Admission Result Admit Card Download PDF from online.  For the candidates we have added the Admission Tell Website added MBBS Medical Admit Card 2025 PDF Download Button, Please check the MBBS Medical admit card download link and Click on MBBS Medical Admit Card Download PDF Button in below.

MBBS Medical Result Download PDF

Download MBBS Medical Admission Result 2025

As per your need to want to Download MBBS Medical Admission Result Admit Card 2025, Well now For the people, we also add the MBBS Medical admit card download pdf 2025 PDF button and file. So, all are interested candidates find out the university admit card download button in below and save your MBBS Medical Medical Admit Card.

Download MBBS Medical Admission Result Admit Card

MBBS Result by SMS

Students will be able to check their MBBS results via SMS. The Directorate General of Health EMBBS Medicalcation will send an SMS with the results. Only students who have passed the admission test will receive the SMS. The SMS will be sent to the mobile number provided by the student MBBS Medicalring the admission application.

User ID and Password Recovery Process Of MBBS Medical Result

Somehow, If you lose your User ID or Password, you won’t be able to access the MBBS Medical portal to download your admit card. This can prevent you from sitting for the exam, so it’s important to keep these credentials secure. However, if you do lose them, follow these steps to recover your details:

  1. Visit the recovery page at http://dgme.teletalk.com.bd./ https://result.dghs.gov.bd/mbbs/
  2. Click on ‘Recover User ID’ or ‘Recover Password’.
  3. Enter the required information such as your Name, Phone Number, or other identifying details.
  4. After submission, follow the on-screen instructions to recover your credentials.
  5. Once recovered, use your new User ID or Password to log in and download your admit card.

Medical Merit and Waiting List Result 2025

The admission results are calculated based on a total of 200 marks, divided between the MBBS admission test and your academic performance in SSC and HSC examinations. The MBBS admission test contributes 100 marks, while the remaining 100 marks are derived from your SSC and HSC results. This combined evaluation ensures a fair assessment of both your academic history and your performance in the admission test.

Calculation of SSC and HSC Marks:

SSC/Equivalent Examination:
Your GPA from the SSC or an equivalent examination is multiplied by 10, contributing up to 50 marks.

HSC/Equivalent Examination: Similarly, your GPA from the HSC or an equivalent examination is also multiplied by 10, adding another 50 marks.

For example, if you scored a GPA of 4.8 in SSC, it would contribute 48 marks (4.8 × 10). Similarly, if you scored a GPA of 4.7 in HSC, it would contribute 47 marks (4.7 × 10). When combined with your MBBS admission test score, these marks will form your total score out of 200.

Candidates with the highest total scores will be placed on the merit list. If you are on this list, you will receive notifications regarding the final admission proceMBBS Medicalres. If you are on the waiting list, you still have a chance to secure a seat. Once the merit list admissions are completed, any remaining vacant seats will be filled by candidates from the waiting list.

Medical Result Re-scrutiny Application 2025

If you think your medical admission result does not accurately reflect your performance, you can apply for re-scrutiny. Any candidate who took the MBBS admission test and is unhappy with their result can request a re-scrutiny. The DGME will announce a specific period for submitting re-scrutiny applications. Be sure to apply within this time frame to have your application considered.

Once you submit your application, the DGME will review your request and re-evaluate your exam papers. The results of the re-scrutiny will be shared with you through the official website and your registered contact details.

Medical Final Admission 2024-2025

After the merit and waiting lists are finalized, the next step is the final admission process for the 2024-2025 academic session. If you are on the merit list, you will need to complete several important steps to secure your place in a medical college.

Make sure you have all the required documents ready for submission. Pay close attention to the admission scheMBBS Medicalle provided by the DGME and the medical college. Follow the admission proceMBBS Medicalre carefully. Ensure that you pay the necessary admission fee and any related charges within the specified timeframe. Once all steps are completed, your admission will be finalized. Be sure to receive a confirmation of your admission from the college. Now see the step-by-step process of Medical Final Admission 2024-2025 :

  1. Prepare Your Documents: Ensure that all the required documents are ready for submission.
  2. Follow the Admission ScheMBBS Medicalle: Pay attention to the admission scheMBBS Medicalle provided by the DGME and the medical college.
  3. Follow the Admission ProceMBBS Medicalre: Carefully follow the steps outlined in the admission proceMBBS Medicalre.
  4. Pay the Admission Fees: Make sure to pay the required admission fee and any additional charges within the specified timeframe.
  5. Complete the Process: Once all steps are completed, your admission will be finalized.
  6. Get Confirmation: Ensure that you receive a confirmation of your admission from the college.

Required Documents for Admission:

  1. Admission Test Result: A copy of your MBBS admission test result.
  2. SSC and HSC Certificates and Mark Sheets: Original and photocopies of your SSC and HSC certificates and mark sheets.
  3. Birth Certificate or National ID: A copy of your birth certificate or national ID.
  4. Passport-Sized Photographs: Recent passport-sized photographs as per the required specifications.
  5. Other Documents: Any additional documents specified by the DGME or the medical college.

Migration Result

After the initial admission, the final admission will be completed through several migration processes, which will happen automatically. Migration results will be based on students’ scores and their order of preference. Migration will only move students to higher-preference colleges. If a student’s college changes through migration, they cannot return to the previous college. However, students can choose to stop the migration process after completing their admission if they do not want to participate in further migrations.

Final Words

Hope to MBBS Medical Admission Result 2025with Medical Final Admission 2024-2025 All about proceMBBS Medicalre from here.

The 2025 medical admission result is an important step in your path to becoming a medical professional. Now that the results are published, you can check your score on the merit or waiting lists by visiting the official websites: result.dghs.gov.bd and dgme.teletalk.com.bd. We have also outlined the final admission proceMBBS Medicalres to help you prepare for completing your enrollment in a medical college.

If you have any question about MBBS Medical Admission Result 2025 – dgme.gov.bd result please let me know by below comments box. We will give answer.

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  • Debra R. Rizzuto

    Debra R. Rizzuto is the founder of Admission Tell, a website offering expert advice on the college admission process. With a passion for education and student success, Debra R. Rizzuto helps simplify the complex world of admissions, guiding students toward their academic goals.

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